Our Smart Care e-Visite
The Smart Care Platform puts patients at the center of the action by gathering and integrating all medical professionals and caregivers involved in one (digital) place. Our digital treatment room has all the functions that are used in general medicine in physical practices.
Remote diagnostics and monitoring
By means of user interfaces of integrated medical devices which can be used by patients at home or in healthcare facilities.
Patient file
Manage all patient data and reports including import and export to subsystems.
Video consultation
Give your patients medical advice from anywhere and based on measurement data.
Output of digital recipes
With electronic prescriptions, patients can receive their medications quickly.
Easily schedule all your video consultations online.
Real time data acquisition
Data acquisition of vital parameters from medical terminals.
"Speech-to-text" software
Audio recording and receipt of an automated written transcript.
Patient education
Videos and 3D animations to explain the diagnosis to patients.
White Label Features
Customization of the software according to your requirements.
The services are billable by German health insurance companies.

Smart Care Patient Portal
Our Smart Care patient portal provides easier access to comprehensive healthcare for patients.
In addition, physicians, healthcare professionals and nurses have amodern, digital care infrastructure. Other benefits include theintegration of medical devices and secure data exchange for remote monitoring.
Our digital education tools and therapy solutions optimally support Smart Care physicians for maximum efficiency, more understanding and more trust in medicine.
Patient education
Our Smart Care 3D visualizations and structured educational methods create a new form of efficiency of physician educational discussions with the patient.
The integrated educational tool is integrated into the video consultation and enables a strong improvement of understanding and relationship between doctors and patients.